Boiler fouling and corrosion in waste-to-energy plants (WtE) are enhanced by the Chlorine content of the waste. The core problem here are the chlorides condensing on the surface of the fly ash. With the sulfation generator these chloride layers are transformed to sulfates. The result is a drastic reduction of the corrosive and boiler fouling property of these sulfated fly ash. The amounts of the sulfur based SulfGen reagent needed are relatively small (targeted action on chloride layers only). In the Parma case will be used 3 injection cycles of 1/2 hour per day with 15 kg/h. For further details of the machine see video Link:!AsW6ewrTOoO0hXdbrVif0QbNVpwi?e=e8qEJS or The factory tes was successfully performed on 26.2.2021 and the equipment is ready for shipment to Parma.