This power plant for solid recovered fuel (SRF) uses DD-Jet nozzle heads since 2012.
Late 2018 the installation of a complete DD-Jet system for the cleaning of the first, second and third boiler pass was completed in connection with a capacity increase project.
The plant has since 2013 been operating a SulfGen system.
Weener Energie
The Weener power plant is located in the city of Weener in the north west of Germany close to the Dutch border.
The power plant operates in the first and second pass a shower cleaning system with the self-propelled turning DD-Jet head. The originally installed nozzle heads did not have sufficient performance for the challenging waste and load conditions at the Weener plant.
Capacity: 180.000 t of waste per year
Operation: since 2008
Power production: 7,5 MW
Fuel: SRF/RDF, paper mill waste
Boiler/combustion system supplier: Baumgarte
This plant supplies steam for paper drying at the Klingele Papierwerke mill via a 1.8 km pipeline.